Seedskadee Trout Unlimited, Chapter #533

Non-profitEventsHunting RecreationWildlife
About Us
Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge (Seedskadee) is a 27,230 acre refuge that protects a mosaic of riparian, wetland and upland shrub habitats along 36 miles of the Green River between Fontenelle Reservoir and Flaming Gorge Reservoir. The 36 miles of the Green River are home to trophy rainbow, brown and cutthroat trout. Nearly the entire reach of the Green River from Fontenelle Reservoir to Flaming Gorge Reservoir is public land and accessible to the public. Seedskadeeās 36 miles of the river are some of the most popular fishing areas on this stretch of the Green River.
The Seedskadee Chapter of Trout Unlimited is a group of passionate anglers in Southwestern Wyoming. This group of men and women have put in countless hours to improve the Green River and other cold water fisheries in this area of Wyoming. The fisheries of this part of Wyoming would not be as good as they are now without the ongoing and past projects from this group.
To get involved with TU, please check out our Calendar of Events tab above. To become a TU member, visit this link: .