Red White Buffalo

Gift & Specialty ShopsClothingCurbside Pick-UpDelivery ServiceEntertainmentEventsGreeting CardsHunting JewelersJewelry, Precioius MetalsKitchen AccessoriesLibrariesLiquor Stores & LoungesLotions, Soaps, Fragrances Magazines, Books MercantileOrnamental Metal WorkProducts Made in WyomingScreen PrintingShopping CentersSpeciality StoreTourism MarketingWedding Supplies & ServicesWyoming Made
10-6 M- F
10-4 Sat
Driving Directions:
Located in the historic Tomahawk Hotel downtown Green River
About Us
Wyoming sourced! We are a local and veteran owned store located downtown in the historic Tomahawk hotel. In the second actual JCPenney store. Everything is made or designed from artists/vendors all over our beautiful state of Wyoming.
Join us Wednesdays for Sip n Shop, we have FREE coffee available and yes itās Wyoming roasted coffee.
Workshops are available in a wide range of classes. Perfect for birthdays, bridal, date night, ladies night, learning something new and making new friends.
So, if your looking for a unique shopping experience or if your looking to try Wyoming wine or spirits - this is the store you are looking for